Setup instructions    

Here you will find all the instructions necessary to download, install, and adjust the software necessary to take this course. Because some of these installations require quitting the browser or restarting your computer, we suggest that you print out these instructions now.

Operating System

This course is designed to run on the following operating systems. Since upgrading your operating system is not something you should do casually, we refer you to the Web site of the vendor.

Operating System Where to get information on it.
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Macintosh OS

Display Size

Your display monitor must display at least 800 by 600 pixels (1024 x 768 is even better). This means your computer must be capable of displaying that size and you must have set the operating system controls to display at that size. If your monitor or display controller will not display 800 by 600 pixels, you cannot view the course without scrolling. To set the operating system controls to display correctly:

Instructions for PC Instructions for Macintosh
  1. Open the Display Control panel.
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. Drag the Display area slider to the right until it reads at least 800 by 600.
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. After the screen resizes, click the OK button to confirm the new screen size.
  1. Open the Display Control panel.
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. Drag the Display area slider to the right until it reads at least 800 by 600.
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. After the screen resizes, click the OK button to confirm the new screen size.

Display colors

Your display should be set to display 16-bit color. That means it can display thousands of different colors. If your monitor and display adapter do not provide that many colors, the images may appear grainy and splotched. If they do, you have only to set your operating system's control for the number of colors to display.

Instructions for PC Instructions for Macintosh
  1. Open the Display Control panel.
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. In the Colors list, select High color (16-bit) or True color (32-bit).
  4. Click the OK button.
  1. Open the Control Panels folder and then open the Monitors & Sound Control Panel.
  2. In the Colors list, select Thousands of colors or Millions of colors.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. Confirm the choice and if requested, restart your computer.


Instructions for installing, upgrading, and troubleshooting your browser installation are available at the vendors' sites.

Internet Explorer

Netscape Navigator

Java enabled

Here is how to make sure you have Java enabled. The instructions vary slightly depending upon whether you are using Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.

Internet Explorer

On the Tools menu, select Internet Options. Click the Security tab. Click the Custom Level button. Under the Java section, make sure that Java is not disabled.

Netscape Navigator

On the Edit menu, select Preferences. In the left pane, click Advanced. In the right pane, make sure that Java is enabled.


Cookies must be enabled so that we can keep track of access to the course and to the discussion area. These are the instructions for Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

Internet Explorer

On the Tools menu, select Internet Options. Click the Security tab. Click the Custom Level button. Under the Cookies section, make sure that both Allow cookies that are stored on your computer and Allow per-session cookies are not disabled.

Netscape Navigator

On the Edit menu, select Preferences. In the left pane, click Advanced. In the right pane, make sure that Accept all cookies is checked.

Windows Media Player

If you are using Windows 95, 98, or NT, you will probably be using Windows Media Player to play .wav, .avi, .mov and .mpg files.

Microsoft provides good technical support on Windows Media Player at After installing and configuring the player, click Test to check your installation.

QuickTime player

If you are using a Macintosh, you will probably use QuickTime to play mpg.

Apple provides good technical support on the installation and troubleshooting of QuickTime at After installing and configuring the player, click Test to check your installation.

Macromedia Flash 5.0 plugin

There are over 20 Flash animations in this course. To view them requires the Flash 5.0+ plugin.

Macromedia provides good installation, setup, and troubleshooting information on their site at After installing and configuring the player, click Test to check your installation.

Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF

Several forms and other support documents are published in PDF format.

Adobe provides good support information about the Acrobat Reader at After installing and configuring the reader, click Test to check your installation.


You will need Verdana and Webdings for the course to display correctly. If you are using Internet Explorer 3, 4, or 5, these fonts have already been installed on your system.

Microsoft provides good support information about these fonts at After installing and configuring the fonts, click Test to check your installation.